Kyley Denise

Kyley Denise

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Wow...she's a big girl!!

Kyley had a delayed 2 year checkup due to her birthday weekend ear infection. Dr. Hund wanted to see her in 30 days, so he postponed the checkup until the 24th of May.  The nice thing about this appointment was that there were no shots involved...woot, woot!!!  Well, she is doing great and he had no concerns about her growth and development!  And, Kyley does not have to go in for 6 months or at least until she needs her flu shot!
She is a big girl and almost the 20th percentile in all areas:)...remember the other kids have 3 months on her!  Note this also means she is perfectly proportioned!
Kyley Denise Kubik
24 lbs. 6 oz.
32 1/2 inches
46 1/4 cm head
Kyley really is a big girl and loves to show off.  She sometimes tries to eat yogurt or her Danonino 3 times a day just so she can feed herself.  Kyley also likes to be silly and look at the mess she made in the mirror!
Mommy and Daddy are super blessed to have this silly girl in their lives!

Family Fun in Nebraska

On the weekend of May 19th, Kyley made yet another journey to Lincoln, NE to help celebrate the upcoming marriage of her Uncle Greg & Aunt Emily.  The party was at Aunt Nola & Uncle Jim's.  All of the immediate family was able to join us except for Aunt Kimmy, Uncle Darby, Zane and Tori...they were in Utah.   All of her cousins (even the 2 girls on the way) were there to celebrate!

Kyley had such a fun day!  Cousin Stella has a fun swing set, so Kyley spent most of her day going up and down the slide, swinging and exploring the yard.  She also had fun checking out all of Stella's toys and her 2 cats and dog.

It is always so much fun to get the 3 little girls together.  There is no doubt that right now they are almost all the same size, yet Stella was 20 months, Calyn 22 1/2 months and Kyley almost 25 months.
Greg & Emily had such a nice turnout, and Kyley enjoyed celebrating with her family.  It is hard to believe that in only a few short months, she will get to attend her first family wedding!!!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Mother's Day Weekend Fun!

Kyley, mommy and daddy had a pretty fun Mother's Day weekend.  They went to dinner, took a boat ride, mommy ran a race, they had dinner with friends and a big surprise for Kyley????  
Mommy and daddy took Kyley to her first ever concert.  Nickelodeon's "The Fresh Beat Band" was in town performing at the Orpheum Theatre.  Mommy and daddy were not positive how it would go, but Kyley loves music and dancing...and she loves their show so much they had a hunch she would love it.

It was so much fun to watch the smile come on her face as they took the stage...and then again to watch her stare in awe as one of them came down the aisle near us.  Kyley LOVED every minute of it, and mommy and daddy may have had fun too!  
Kyley loves sporting her souvenir from the concert...she literally still talks about going!  Mommy and daddy hit a home run on this one!

Living the Life

Well, after Kyley's birthday the company slowed down, but the nonstop go, go, go did not. However, it is so refreshing to watch Kyley grow up and just be a kid, because she never lets any of it affect her and just plain has fun...and not smile for the camera:)!
Mommy and Aunt Emily had a garage sale, and Kyley was a big helper as you can tell.  She was the welcoming committee and she made sure all the items were quality!  Really, Kyley is just a pretty good kid as she hung out in the garage for 3 days, and if mommy didn't let her she got so upset.  She is a people person, and she did not want to miss a thing.
Kyley and Cousin Calyn got to have more playtime at the beginning of the month as their time together was slowly drawing to an end.  We are so excited for them to move and their new exciting life, but it is no lie that we will miss them dearly.  The girls had fun with all the new birthday gear and, of course, another fun day at the zoo.

Mommy, daddy and Kyley have been able to take the boat out a few times, and Kyley still loves to help her daddy drive...or man the cooler;)! 
She likes to remind us daily that she is 2 fun, yet a challenge at times!  Kyley talks with more words and clearer all the time, and she truly can carry on really is amazing how fast they learn and change.  She loves her ABC's, #'s, puzzles, books, stuffed animals and anything dangerous...!!!!

Oh to be a kid again!!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Tea Party for 2!!!

Kyley was a lucky little two year old birthday girl.  She really had a full weekend of festivities.  Not only had family been visiting for weeks and wishing her a happy birthday, she had so many people come to her party.  Her Grandpa Bob, Aunt Dale and Great Grandma came on Thursday night...of course bearing gifts.  So, she had to test out her new wheels before the party even began.  It was unbelievable that she knew what to do.  Kyley got right on, pushed the button and was off!
Grandpa Des got here early Friday afternoon, so the weekend was already a hit.  Then, her Uncle Brian, Aunt Angie, Ian and Erin flew in from Chaska, MN for the weekend.  Everyone got together at Kyley's house for a BBQ, and her Aunt Emily and Cousin Calyn joined in the fun!!
Kyley didn't know it yet, but the Meyer's and TePoels were joining in the trip from NE for the party...along with all of our wonderful neighbors and friends.  Mommy, daddy and Kyley are so blessed to have so many great people in their lives!

The party was a hit.  Kyley loves her tea parties, and she has them every day.  So, it was only fitting to have a tea party themed birthday!  She couldn't get enough of all the tea pots and cups.  

Kyley wasn't quite sure about blowing out her candle, but she couldn't get the grin off her face when everyone sang "Happy Birthday" to her!  And, she had no problems sitting and opening every single card and gift that she got! she a lucky girl...she got so many fun things!
The party lasted all day, night and weekend!  She literally couldn't seem to get enough of everyone!  Mommy and daddy cannot believe their little girl is 2!  Kyley sure is one special little gal!