From the moment Kyley wakes up, she is always wanting to do something, watch something, touch something, see something or listen to something. In the mornings she does like to take it a bit easy to start, as I have mentioned before. Overall, she is the happiest baby I know. Even her crabby start to the mornings sometime result in numerous smiles and giggles or at least cuddles and snuggles! She was even the same happy spirited baby when she was down with her cold. Kyley never really let it get to her unless it was time to sleep. She spent every day this past week like any normal day. It amazes me that she has figured out how to "work" all of her toys and she knows what to expect. She knows that when she squeezes her puppy's ear or foot it will talk or sing. She loves singing...and sadly she prefers when mommy sings to her:)! I figure if it makes her smile I will do it a million times and each time sillier than the last.

Okay, I know we probably have been saying it for the past 6 months, but she is officially teething. Now, this does not mean there will be a tooth tomorrow but there will be one soon! I know all babies put things in their mouths but she has all the classic symptoms, and there is nothing left untouched and shoved in the mouth. She will gnaw on about anything...even metal!

She always has such a dumbfounded look on her face when she wonders what I am up to. For example, she was probably thinking...why are you sitting me on the floor in my room to play...I never play here. And, why is my piggy bank on the floor by me...I never get to play with that. She is usually right to question what I am doing. Sometimes I am not even sure what I am doing. However, I was attempting to take some cute pictures for a birthday party invitation. As you can tell they did not work out so great as she just wanted to chew on the crown.
I always talk about how Kyley never gets to see anyone, but when she does she is in heaven. She is happy as can be when she is around people...especially family and good friends. Kyley got to have another play date with her cousin, Calyn, over the weekend. And, even though the two of them were crab apples because they did not nap...they sure were able to make Grandma Barb & Grandpa Barney happy too. They had not seen Kyley since late summer when they visited Wichita, so it was a nice visit for all of them. Kyley and Calyn got to have their playtime together, and Kyley got to rummage through all of Calyn's toys like she it was a treasure chest. As you can see they were both happy and busy as can be!
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