Kyley has her first cold. Yep, she made it almost 11 months without any sickness, but the sick bug finally got to her. Of course we have no idea how since we really do not take her anywhere, and we are so diligent about washing and sanitizing. However, it just proves how easily a cold can be passed and that we have done the right thing the last 11 months by keeping her protected. Her pediatrician said that RSV, flu and something like almost 70 strains of viruses have hit Wichita late this year and hard. These viruses have hospitalized more children than normal and especially the preemie babies. We also knew it was inevitable that she was going to get sick as she is a kid, but we are so happy we got her through the rough stuff. Kyley seems to be handling it well especially during the day...she is one tough cookie and has been in great spirits even though her nose is a mess. However, the nights have been long and tough to sleep. So, she has been back in mommy's arms in the recliner...this seems to let her get some sleep but not mommy! Kyley has already learned that she hates to have her nose wiped and how to blow it in our shirts when she sees that Kleenex coming. Anyway, we hope we are about halfway through it.

Wednesday was also her "almost" 11 month check up. Other than the cold she is doing great! She has gotten so big! Her growth has slowed a bit as expected at this age though. She weighed 16 lbs. 14 oz. and was 25 1/2 in. long. They were very proud of how healthy she was otherwise and how she was progressing developmentally. Due to the lateness of the illnesses this year, her pediatrician wants us to wait about 2-3 more weeks before we start getting out and about a lot with her. Kyley is no longer on any medications for reflux or anything...all she takes is her vitamin with iron. We did have one big surprise that morning...they had to draw blood to check her hemoglobin levels as a follow up from the NICU. It was awful for all parties involved...they took quite a bit from her arm and they could not easily locate a vein. She is like her mommy in that aspect. Either way, Kyley is one little trooper...even a cold, having blood drawn and seeing the doctor twice in 2 days doesn't seem to keep her down.
Hope she gets well soon! Sleepless nights and cranky babies are no fun.