Kyley Denise

Kyley Denise

Monday, March 7, 2011

A Day in Kyley's Life...

A day in Kyley's life is quite a day.  First, let's make it no secret that mornings are not her gig.  Jason likes to say that she takes after me, and there are times when I completely agree with that.  However, I think that the older I get the more of a morning person I have become.  Kyley, on the other hand, wakes up all smiles and she cannot give enough of them, but the minute I take her out of her room...a switch gets flipped.  She is not her happy, loving, giggling self.  She doesn't hand out the smiles as readily, and she for sure does NOT want to be doing anything really active for the first few hours of her day.  If I dare put her on her tummy or make her work for her toys...I hear about it and then some.  She makes it very clear that she wants to relax and take her time waking up.  So, I let her or I pay for it.  Now, if I miss those first nap signals by 5 minutes...I pay once again, so I am on point all morning long!  After she eats breakfast and naps (only a 30 minute power nap), she is raring to go.  We then begin the day of play.  She plays nonstop.  Toys go flying.  She can sit and play with either Baby Einstein or an episode of Miss Spider's Sunnypatch Friends on in the background for quite sometime before she gets bored.  It is so much fun to watch her.  FYI...the boppy pillow is not necessary to help her sit up, but it is security for me.  She has to always look back and make sure I am there or she likes to fling herself back when she gets overly excited...I did not deal well with the first time her sweet, tiny little head hit the floor under my for now it is there JUST IN CASE!  Meal time has become sooooo much more interesting the last few days.  Kyley thinks she needs to and can feed herself.  So, we let her.  I think a bottle of Dreft stain remover will only last a week around her, but she is getting better all the time.  She does great grabbing the spoon and getting it to her mouth, but sometimes she pulls it out really fast with food still on it and either throws it across the room, drops it in her lap or puts it in her hair.  What matters most is that she is trying and having fun doing it!  We are proud of our big, little girl!  She has made so much progress in her feeding/eating skills!  Kyley has really been watching us eat more and more and chews will we are chewing, so I think we are going to try some finger foods soon!  I never thought that eating could be so much fun!

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