It was Kyley's first real play date. Prior to Thanksgiving she was not really at an age that she cared or knew much about interacting with other kids (not like she has ever been around any other than her cousins). As you can tell they had no problem sharing each others toys or acting like they were old pals. Kyley wanted to be all over Calyn...pulling her ears, grabbing her, etc. Calyn is very mobile so she was good at crawling all over Kyley and supervising Kyley while she was playing with her toys. They even had their first fight, and Kyley got her first battle wound...the first of many between these two.
I think that Uncle Greg and Aunt Emily had their hands full with the two of them, but I think they enjoyed the play date just as much if not more than the girls did. We are so lucky to have them so close to us, and we hope the girls will be close like sisters. We look forward to so many more years of fun watching the two of them together. We are not looking forward to the trouble the two of them will get into together though...we know both of their parents;)! Kyley was exhausted after a fun day of playing, but she cannot wait to do it again soon!
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