Can you believe that this big girl is 14 months old? She was not even supposed to be born for another month!! We cannot believe how much she has grown and how fast time has gone...where is our little baby? Kyley is getting so long/tall and she really has a belly since starting to eat all of this big kid food.
Meal time has become so much fun for all of us. We get to try new things, textures, shapes and flavors. She seems to be a bit pickier than she was with the baby food, but we are happy to have made that transition. She does still eat some baby food fruits in her morning cereal, but we will be out of all of that soon too. Her favorites seem to be bread, cheese and avocado right now. She definitely makes more of a mess, but it is so fun to see her growing into a little girl and feeding herself (although I will miss my baby dearly). Meal time also takes a bit longer, but it is good to get her in the practice of slow eating right??
After dinner time often directly comes bath time...and not because I am OCD...just because that is our routine. We have graduated to only using the big girl tub, and she loves it! She could play in there for hours, and she is actually much easier to control as she gets more mobile. Our swim classes have also made all water activities a fun time. So, it is a game to pour water on her head to rinse out the soap. I think it is obvious that she doesn't seem to mind bath time at all! This is just another sign that our baby is growing up:( :)!
Love the bath pics! They are soooo fun.