Kyley Denise

Kyley Denise

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

First trip North

Kyley made her first trip to Chaska, Minnesota June 3rd-6th.  This was her second plane ride too, and it went as smooth as the first one.  I really wish we could afford our own private jet...traveling would be so much easier and faster!  Anyway, it was her cousin Erin's 6th birthday along with a soccer game and dance recital.  We, of course, went to visit for those activities but also to be with the entire family (or most of them), and her daddy had not been up there to visit in years.  Plus, summers are the ideal time to visit the Minneapolis area unless you are crazy and like several feet of snow and brutally cold temperatures:)!  Even if it is hot it is not like the heat we have here in Wichita, and the trees and all of nature are beautiful this time of year.  

Kyley loves her family as much as we do.  She gets more attention than one can imagine.  It is also so good for her to be around the other kids.  They all love her and definitely do not leave her out.  It is so neat that she has cousins that she is so close to on both sides of the family.  We sure hope that it stays this way and that everyone continues to make time to get together.  Grandma Denise loved getting everyone together, and I think it is so important that we keep doing just that...especially for the kids!   

There were quite a few activities that weekend, but there was also time for relaxing too.  Everyone ventured out to Erin's soccer game (and let me add that Jason's brother, Brian, is also the coach).  We may have been a few minutes late, but we sure had a great time.  Kyley had the best seat in the place....nothing but the best for our diva princess:)!
 The soccer star did not seem to mind the cheering section she had either!!!  Another diva princess????
 We were not sure how Kyley would handle sitting through the dance recital as it was several hours long with an intermission.  However, after the first startle of the lights being dimmed for the crowd's applause she was hilarious!  You would have thought she was one of the dancers.  She never sat down or sat still.  She was yelling, bouncing, clapping and dancing...and if not...she was just staring at the dancers and watching their every move.  I think Kyley may follow in her cousin's foot steps...I think she was born to dance!  After several hours though, Kyley was pooped and it was time to go home.

 Sunday, June 5th was Erin's 6th birthday.  We celebrated as a family, and then she had several of her friends come over for crafts, cake and even a pinata. 
 Kyley wasn't quite big enough to take part in the activities, but she found some activities of her own.  Like rolling all over the furniture...
 playing with the balloons...
 and causing trouble with her Grandpa Bob!
I think the birthday girl had a very special weekend, and we are so happy that we go to celebrate it with her.  Kyley and Erin had not been able to be together since Thanksgiving because Erin was sick at Easter, so it was a special weekend for many reasons.  Despite the 5 years age difference, I think these two girls have a lot more in common than visible to the eye (similar outfits, bug themed parties, blue eyes, blond hair and silly smiles).  It will be so much fun to watch them as they get older.

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