Kyley Denise

Kyley Denise

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Summer, Summer, Summertime

Well, technically it is not Summer yet, but we have been making the most of it!  Although we only live in Kansas we really have great weather for Summer activities.   We can boat and swim pretty early as long as the wind isn't blowing 20+ mph which it often is!!!  But, we have the zoo and the zoo is a great outing anyway.
Kyley continues to love all of these activities.  She is truly a WATER BABY!!!  Once we let her play in the water, she cannot get enough of it.  She likes to explore the beach area and find new things.

The gorillas and monkeys still rank at the top of Kyley's list when we visit the zoo.  I think it is because mommy lets her get out of the stroller and talk to them.  She really enjoys EVERY single animal, and she knows if we skip one.
We bought her a wading pool for the backyard, and she sure had a blast.  It has a little fountain and she loves to fill buckets and dump them out.  Kyley is her mommy's daughter for sure.  They both love one in the sun!!!!
It looks like the Kubik's have a fun Summer ahead!

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