Kyley Denise

Kyley Denise

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Kansas City here we come....or went to...

The first weekend in December Kyley, mommy and daddy drove to Kansas City, MO to spend the weekend.  We met up with our dearest friends from Iowa, Laurie, Mike, Palmer and Hadley.  It had been since last October that we had seen them.  

Last December Mommy's bestie, Laurie, was diagnosed with breast cancer.  She had a long year with chemo, surgery, illness, etc., so it never worked out for us to go visit when we planned.  Kyley missed Hadley and Palmer so much, and mommy of course missed Laurie.  FYI...she is doing great and as beautiful as ever!!!
We met up with them at the Embassay Suites near the Plaza area in KC on Friday night. Kyley and Hadley were on a mission to stay up all night Friday, but they finally crashed after burning the midnight oil!  Saturday there was fun eating, shopping, playing, watching an awful NE football game and just enjoying each other's company.
It was a short, but wonderful weekend.  Both families had to part ways on Sunday but not before the kids got to swim and eat lunch together.
Distance does make the heart grow fonder, but it really is a bummer too!  Kyley "does it like her mommy does it"...makes up for lost time...and then shuts down lol!

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