The weekends are always fun at our house. We do not necessarily do anything special, as you all know we cannot take Kyley anywhere right now but we get a lot of great family time in. Also, daddy is home all weekend, so we play nonstop and Kyley gets to have two of us at her beckon call instead of just one. The older she gets the more inquisitive she gets and is always thinking, moving, looking, going, chewing, yelling, smiling, giggling, reaching, grabbing, get the drift. Everything that was there before seems to take on a new meaning every day for her too! It is so much fun to watch her play with her toys like her dolly that she absolutely loves or whatever she can find more interesting like the remote. We seem to catch her doing the funniest, yet cutest things and only wish we could get them all on camera. But, we do get some of them.
Eating solid foods has been such an adventure for Kyley. Along the way she finally decided she would drink out of a cup. It took buying about 5 different types/kinds before trying the kind with the soft straw. She grabbed it the first time and drank like a champ right away. Now don't get excited...Kyley will only take a few drinks of water or juice when she is eating, playing or has the hiccups. She still refuses to drink milk out of anything for her daddy. She is stubborn and stuck in her ways...not sure where she gets that from:) Anyway, back to feeding...she is not a picky eater, and she will truly eat about anything you put in front of her. I hear this is good as I have had so many mom's warn me about how awful certain foods were and how their kids would spit them out or refuse to eat. Kyley will eat anything...this does not mean that she will not let us know that the food we have given her is awful or not her favorite. We definitely get the faces, and man are those the best facial expressions ever! We ended the weekend with the introduction of meats...beef tonight to be exact. Jason has to try the meats...we made a I tried basically all of the fruits and vegetables, and he said it was just bland...and the consistency was a bit odd. It looked like it to me, and as you can tell Kyley thought so too!
Another weekend as it may have gone for us...full of many more fun memories with her...and we start all over again couldn't be more worth it!
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