The doctor said her ears looked great. However, she did end up with a sinus infection after the long, two week cold. They prescribed an antibiotic to treat that. The fever was being caused by an "unknown, new" virus that Kyley was trying to fight off. They said we would have to wait it out 3-4 days to see what...if any other symptoms presented themselves. It was a long few days. Kyley had no energy, no appetite, no thirst...nothing. She did not play or do anything other than sleep.
The fever broke on Thursday morning. By Friday morning Kyley had broke out in a rash on her back, stomach/chest, neck and head. At first I thought it was a heat rash as this made sense after the fever, sweating, etc. However, I did some research and then we verified with the doctor. The virus that had been causing the fever ended up being Roseola. It is very common in children under the age of 5 and even more so in those under 2. It is contracted by an infected person sneezing, coughing or such. It can take a week or two to present itself and is highly contagious (i.e. planes;), buses, restaurants, walmart lol). They said that many times parents do not even know their children had this virus as they too thought it was just a heat rash. There is no treatment needed and it goes away with in hours to a couple days. Kyley was all clear by Saturday!
While she was sick mommy and daddy let her get away with about anything when she had the energy to move around. We even tried out big girl plates and cups to get food and fluids down her. She discovered the lazy susan and tried out a few new crackers and chips. Kyley even played in her favorite place...the fridge. She found her favorite food fast too...cheese!
Freddy knew right away something was wrong with Kyley. He always sat or slept near her which is unusually odd for him to get that close. Maybe he wanted to keep warm, but I think he knew something was up!
Well our little girl was back in business today. She still was pretty worn out over the weekend, but she caught up on more sleep, ate and drank for her energy, and she was ready to roll! She even got to enjoy some Christmas presents that she just got over the weekend from Grandma Barb & Barney! We waited until she was able to truly enjoy them!
Let's hope we can give her a little break from sickness!!!